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Testing and Validation Solutions

The types and numbers of tests, System Under Test (SUT), Cost cutting factors, Test-tool and environment, Human and organizational topics

Software Testing and Validation Solutions

Software testing is an activity to verify whether the actual results match the expected results. This activity is the most important part of any Software development lifecycle. It ensures that the software system is Defect, Error and failure free. It involves execution of a software component or system component to evaluate the expected functionality as define during the requirement and design phase of software development.

In order to ensure that produced software meets the accurate demands, it must be tested at each development stage to ensure that the result is of the desired and high quality. Products that have not been thoroughly tested may be the cause of many built-in problems further down the line of software development lifecycle.

Professional testing and Quality assurance is thus an essential prerequisite for any product or project is to be successful.

BrandCrock GmbH is ISTQB® Global Certified and our accredited test managers, QA engineers and test engineers have many years’ of working experience on software testing projects. They work closely with software developers, software engineers and system engineers to delivery high quality testing solutions.

Penetration Testing | BrandCrock
Penetration Testing | BrandCrock

Penetration Testing

Identify And Remediate Vulnerabilities Before They Impact Your Business. Web Application Hacker’s Methodology, Information Systems Security Assessment Framework.

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Agile/DevOps Testing | BrandCrock
Agile/DevOps Testing | BrandCrock

Agile/DevOps Testing

Agile software development is a method of software engineering and development under which requirements are met and solutions are found through the collaboration of self-organizing and cross functional teams and involving the customers as well as the users. The development results in feasible plan, innovative development, prompt delivery plus continual improvement. It encourages rapid and flexible response to change that may occur during or after the job is done.

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Testing Tools | BrandCrock
Testing Tools | BrandCrock

Testing Tools

Selenium Webdriver, Froglogic – Squish, Apache Jmeter, Soap UI, Postman, Jenkins, JIRA

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Test Data Management | BrandCrock
Test Data Management | BrandCrock

Test Data Management

Test Data is data that is used to execute the tests on testware. Test data needs to be precise and exhaustive to uncover the defects in developed or under-construction software. Thus any information that is used as an input to perform a test is Test Data.

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Microservices Testing | BrandCrock
Microservices Testing | BrandCrock

Microservices Testing

Microservices are techniques used by software engineers which are a variant of the service oriented architecture that structures an application. Decomposing an application into different smaller services improves modularity and makes the application easier to understand, develop, test, and become more resilient to architecture erosion. It is similar to enabling small autonomous teams to develop, deploy and scale their respective services independently.

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Test Automation | BrandCrock
Test Automation | BrandCrock

Test Automation

In software testing, test automation is the use of special software which is separate from the software being tested, to control the execution of tests and the comparison of actual outcomes with predicted outcomes. It makes use of special software tools to control the execution of tests and then compares actual test results with predicted or expected results. It automates some repetitive but necessary tasks in a formalized testing process already in place. It can perform additional testing that would be difficult to do manually.

Read more on "Test Automation"

API Testing

API stands for Application programming Interface. API testing is that software testing which involves the interface directly as well as part of integration testing. It makes sure that the interface is properly functioning, reliable, performs well and remains secure while working.

Test project management

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Test Management and Test Planning.
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Analysis of test specifications and Test Requirements
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Analysis and defining of test cases for automated and Manuel testing.
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Analysis of the applicability of test systems, Simulators and Hardware involved.
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Support for the selection of testing devices and Hardware.
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Implementation of testing devices.
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Planning and management of automated tests.
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Implementation of automated Software test procedures.
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Development and implementation of test procedures.
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Development and configuration of test environments.
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Optimisation of any existing test processes.
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Compliance with quality management standards, such as ISO 9001.
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Compliance with agile Software development methods.
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Preparation of test records and reports.

Testing as a Service

Testing as a Service, abbreviated as TaaS is outsourcing of testing activities to a third party that focuses on simulating real world testing environments as specified in the client requirements. It is an outsourcing model in which testing activities associated with an organization’s business activities are performed by a service provider rather than employees of that organization.

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Testing development using automated testing

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Preparation of test plans.
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Preparation of automated test campaigns automatic and Manuel.
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Preparation and execution of over nightly Tests.
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Definition of test cases in consultation with the client.
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Implementation of test cases in automated tests.
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Evaluation of traces and error analysis in collaboration.
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Record maintenance.
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Continuous Testing using Agile Testing
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Preparation of test reports.
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Weekly and Monthly execution of the Test cases.

Test cases

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Test cases Planning
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Evaluation and Validation
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Implementation of end-to-end tests cases
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Implementation of automated tests cases
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Management of a project test team
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We provide support and services for following Testing types

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Agile / DevOps Testing
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Test Automation
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API / Service / Micro-service Testing
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Test Data Management
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Testing as a Service (TaaS)
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Mobility testing
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Data migration testing
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Data testing
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Extract, transform, load (ETL) testing
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Package testing
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User Acceptance testing (UAT) and minimum acceptance Testing
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Regression testing and cluster testing – to verify that the system still works the way it did before
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Functional testing – Actual functionality of the system
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Penetration testing
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Load testing- How an application performs under a heavy load
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Performance testing- Performance of the application based on certain scenarios
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Recovery testing- Recovery from error conditions or hardware issues
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Security testing- The security of the system
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Stress testing
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Usability testing
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Accessibility testing
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Exploratory testing
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Quality Engineering and Process Consulting
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Digital Assurance
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Black box and White box Testing
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Unit testing for software development

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