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How to install Shopware 6

How to install Shopware 6 | BrandCrock

How to install shopware 6 on windows using Vagrant and Virtual Box.

Here are the links used in this tutorial.

Step 1: Download Vagrant URL:

Step 2: Download VirtualBox URL:

Step 3: Download git bash URL:

Step 4: After Download these three Software. Install it One by one.

Step 5: For Set up the vagrant machine it is required that Virtualization is enabled from BIOS. URL:

Step 6: Create a folder in your any drive where you have Space more than 2GB. I have mention shopware6. You can keep any folder name.

Step 7: Go to the shopware6 folder and right click and git bash here.

Step 8: Write git command Command: git clone

Step 9: Write git command Command: cd shopware-platform-vagrant

Step 10: Write git command Command: vagrant init.

Step 11: Write git command Command: vagrant up.

Step 12: It will take time to set up a Vagrant machine for More than 20 to 25 minutes.

Step 13: Frontend:


Backend Credentials:

User: admin

Password: shopware

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How to connect shopware 6 database form vagrant using windows

Here are the details used in this tutorial.

Step 1:

We are using SQLyog.
Download SQLyog

Step 2:

Install SQLyog

Step 3:



MySQL Host address: localhost
Username: app
Password: app
Port: 3306


SSH Host address:
Username: vagrant
Port: 2222
Password: vagrant
Save Password: yes

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How to map the vagrant machine with PHP storm?

Step 1:

Download and Install PHPStorm

Step 2:

Create new project locally
Project name: shopware-dev

Step 3:

Go to Tools – Development -Configuration

Step 4:

Now we add our new Vagrant machine as a deployment target

Step 5:

Choose a unique name and the “”SFTP”” type Click OK.

Step 6:

Fill in all required fields.

SFTP host:
Port: 2222
Root Path: /home/vagrant
User name: vagrant
Password: vagrant
Save Password: yes
Web server root URL:

Step 7:

Select Mappings Tab and mapped the folder

Local path : D:shopware6shopware-dev
Deployment path: /shopware-dev
Web Path: /shopware-dev

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