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Shopware 6 plugin Store location on Product detail Tab

Store location on Product detail Tab Shopware 6 plugin | BrandCrock

Shopware 6 Plugin Store Map plugin helps your website visitors find your business location. Using Google Map iframe,  you can embed map on your website easily. You can display the Business location on Map on all Product Detail Pages in a separate Tab by using the plugin configuration field. Multiple Business locations can be displayed on specific products through this plugin. For example the product A is available at X location only and product B is available on Y location only then different locations on the map  for product A can be displayed on product A detail page.


  • Display the Business location on Map on all Product Detail Pages in a separate Tab
  • Multiple Business locations can be displayed on a specific Product(s)
  • Display the Business Timing on all Product Detail Pages

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Please find more details about BrandCrock Shopware Plugin development on the Shopware Plugin Development section

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