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Shopware 6 Plugin Quick View of Products on Detail Page

Quick View of Products on Detail Page Shopware 6 Plugin | BrandCrock

Quite a few times, customers cannot decide a particular product and the customer has to go back from detail page to listing page again and again to compare the products.  To address this problem, the “”Quick View of Products on Detail Page”” plugin provides the function to View Similar Product on the product detail page. This plugin provides the facility to display a maximum of 10 similar products on the product detail page. Customers can easily see all the 10 products one by one using the Slider. When the customer clicks on one of the alternative products, the customer will be redirected to the specific product detail page of the corresponding product and the customer can see all the details of the selected products. And the need to navigate back to Product Listing to view another similar product is eliminated

Features of plugins

  • Show similar products of selected current products.
  • Facility to show all product in Slider
  • Implemented as a Hover effect to show all products
  • Changeable slider arrow color and background as per client desire.
  • Maximum 10 products can be seen in similar product list slider

Link to download

Please let us know about your reviews and feedback, if you require further assistance regarding this plugin or other Shopware related issues, just drop us an email or contact us.

Please find more details about BrandCrock Shopware Plugin development on the Shopware Plugin Development section

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