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Shopware 6 Plugin Product Images View on listing Page

Product Images View on listing Page Shopware 6 Plugin | BrandCrock

Shopware 6 Plugin Product Images View on listing Page Only single cover image display on listing page against each product.This is the default Shopware functionality and if you want to enhance your customer experience and increase your sale then you can display multiple images against single product.

The multiple images for a single product on listing page can be possible by installing our Product Images View on listing. When you take the cursor over the product cover image it will open the multiple product image slider vertically. The cover image will change upon Mouse hover on any image of vertical slider. Product with multiple images can be easily identified by different border box color which appear on hover Product with multiple images can be easily identified by different border box color which appear on hover

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Please find more details about BrandCrock Shopware Plugin development on Shopware Plugin Development section.

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