
Magento Recent Sales Notification Plugin

Recent Sales Notification

Magento Recent Sales Notification Plugin

Recent Sales Notification extension for Magento shows recently Recent sales notification products to the buyer. The purpose of this extension is to impulse the buyer to buy those products which were purchased by other buyers in this shop. Displaying these as notifications, we recommend those products to the buyer, urging him to buy them. When the buyer sees the recommendation, he will click the popup link, which leads to the product details page.

This extension is built to show recently sold products to the buyers who visit the store home page. The sold products appear one by one as a popup either in the left or right bottom of the home page. Each popup shows a product image, product link, and the timeline of when it was purchased. When the buyer clicks the link in the pop, he gets redirected to the product details page.

Wie diese Erweiterung funktioniert

The shop admin needs to log in to the shop backend using his login credentials. To configure the extension, the shop admin must navigate to the configuration page under the Stores menu. Under stores, the shop admin must click configuration, BrandCrock, and then click the Purchased Product Popup. Next, he has to enable the module by choosing Yes in den allgemeinen Einstellungen. Unter Popup-Einstellungen sind die erforderlichen Felder auszufüllen und die Erweiterung ist fertig, wenn die Änderungen durch Anklicken des Save Config erstellen.

Der Shop zeigt automatisch den Zeitstempel an, wann die Produkte gekauft wurden, basierend auf der Anzahl der Produkte, die Sie anzeigen möchten. Sie können den vorhergehenden Text so einstellen, dass er anzeigt, wie lange die angezeigten Produkte zurückliegen.


  • Create the popup with a product name, product image, and product link.
  • Das Shop-Backend ermöglicht es dem Administrator, den Kopfzeilentext festzulegen.
  • Die Anzahl der anzuzeigenden Produkte kann so eingestellt werden, dass die Erweiterung diese aus den vorherigen Bestellungen holt.
  • The duration can be set for each of the products to be displayed. The period can be set within 5 to 15 seconds.
  • Das Popup kann in der linken oder unteren Ecke der Store-Startseite positioniert werden
  • The timestamp text can be separately defined for minutes, hours, and days.


Link zum Download

Please let us know about your reviews and feedback, if you require further assistance regarding this plugin or other Magento-related issues, just drop us an email or kontaktiere Sie uns.

Please find more details about BrandCrock Magento Plugin development on the Magento  Entwicklung Bereich.

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