Delivery Date


Delivery date extension from BrandCrock allows buyers to check the product’s delivery availability on the product detail page.

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Delivery Date

Delivery date extension from BrandCrock allows buyers to check the product’s delivery availability on the product detail page. This extension helps the buyers to view their product delivery date before purchasing the product. The product detail page has a zip code field to check product delivery availability. Buyers can check one or more zip codes.

Delivery information will be available in the order confirmation e-mail. The same delivery information will be available in the buyer’s My Orders panel and the order history of the administrator.

To help the buyers to view the delivery availability, the shop admin should upload a CSV file with zip codes and their delivery date. You can find sample data in the shop back-end. For every date check, the data will be fetched from the database. Admin can enter the delivery date manually for each zip code.

How Does The Extension Work?

Shop Admin needs to login to the shop backend using his login credentials. To configure the extension, the shop admin must navigate to the configuration page under the Stores menu. Under Product, Estimated Delivery below BrandCrock, required details need to be filled out. The details to be filled are enabling the module, showing or hiding the timer, setting the timer, enabling info display in cart page, enabling info display in customer order page, maximum days for delivery, before and after timer offset, enabling delivery date display, enabling pickup info, shipping availability info, and notifications. When everything is set, click the Save Config button will save all the details, and the extension gets configured.

After configuration, the shop admin can manage the delivery date under Stores. An option Manage Delivery date appears in the menu under Stores. A new delivery date can be added for a zip code and saved along with Minimum days for delivery. To import the zip codes as a file, the shop admin must choose the Import option from the System menu. After filling in the mandatory details on the import page, the file with a CSV file format can be uploaded by clicking the Select file to import button. By clicking the Check Data button, the extension will validate the data and will show the Import button. The file will get imported when the import button is clicked. The imported file can be viewed under Manage Delivery date.

  • A timer can be set for the buyer for early delivery if ordered within a specific period. If the timer expires, the delivery date will get changed.
  • Allows the shop admin to edit the zip codes by adding or deleting it.
  • Allows the shop admin to create a list of locations for each product
  • Auto filling feature of previously entered zip code.
  • Zipcode suggestion when the buyer tries to enter it.
  • The buyer can also choose the required delivery date in the shop and the delivery date will be set for that order.
  • Cart page will notify that the delivery date may vary if the zip code changes in the shipping address
  • Shop admin can customize the delivery date display to the buyer either as a date or as tentative business days.

Version 2.0.0:

  • Compatible with Open Source (CE) : 2.3 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:Version 2.0.0 released with the following details
    [New] Implemented to add delivery instruction from customers
    [New] Delivery instruction reference displayed in order view and confirmation email
    [NEW] Customize the countdown timer font & background color
    [Enhanced] Improvised to support multiple zip/postal codes for each product
    [Enhanced] Optimized date and time field to schedule offer
    [Enhanced] Enhanced functionality to read imported Zip code file
    [Removed] User option to choose delivery date
    [Removed] Delivery info carried over to the order processing pages
    [Removed] Date format that shows delivery information

Version 1.0.0:

  • Compatible with Open Source (CE) : 2.3 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:New Release


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